KKUSA Privacy Policy


MUSTGAMES Co., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as the Company) establishes and discloses the following privacy policy to protect the personal information of users who use KKUSA (hereinafter referred to as the Service) in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act, to promptly and smoothly handle grievances related thereto, and to inform users of the purpose and manner in which their personal information is used.


Article 0 Data Provided to Create AI Profile Image

This section summarizes how we use the photos you provide to create AI profile images

1. Information collected and processed: Photo provided by the user (Face photo), gender

2. Purpose of collecting personal information: Creating AI profile images

3. Retention and use period

(1) The photo and gender provided to create the AI profile image will be used only to create the AI profile image, and will be permanently deleted immediately after the creation of the AI profile image is completed.

(2) The created AI profile image is not stored on the Company’s server, but is stored in the user’s mobile phone photo library and then permanently deleted.

4. Consignment of personal information processing (Cloud server)

(1) Entrusted company: Google Cloud Platform

(2) Country of transfer: United States

(3) Contents of consignment: Cloud server operation and management

5. Provision of personal information to a third party: We will never share or provide the photo, gender, or created AI profile image provided by the user to a third party.

Users may refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information. If you refuse consent, you will not be able to use the service.


Article 1 Collection of personal information and intended purpose

1. The Company processes personal information for the following purposes.

(1) Membership registration and management: confirmation of membership intention, identification authentication, duplicate registration confirmation, maintenance and management of membership, prevention of unauthorized use of services, confirmation of consent of legal representatives when processing personal information of children under the age of 14, various notices and notifications, and grievance handling.

(2) Provision of goods or services: Create AI profile images, deliver notices, manage and process in-app product purchases and purchase history, refund transaction amounts including purchase cancellations, and provide basic and customized services.

(3) Customer consultation: Contact/notification/notification of processing results to verify user’s identity, confirm inquiries, and investigate facts

(4) Use for marketing and advertising: Providing customized advertisements, providing event and advertising information, and providing participation opportunities

(5) Service improvement and development: Improvement of existing services and development of new services and customized services

2. The Company will never use your personal information for any purpose other than the purpose of the preceding paragraph, and if the purpose of use changes, the Company will take necessary measures, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.


Article 2 Information we collect

The Company collects and processes the following personal information items for service users.

1. Basic information collected at sign up : email, member ID (identification information)

2. Information collected in the process of using the service: Photo provided by the user, service usage records, access logs, in-app product purchase information, consultation contents, advertisement identifiers

3. Customer Service : Collect and process information for customer service(mobile phone number, mobile device model name, carrier information, OS information and version, device identification number, device language and country information, etc.)


Article 3 Processing and Retention of Personal Information

1. If a user cancels an account or loses user status, the company deletes and destroys the collected user information without delay, even if there is no separate request.

2. Provide AI services

(1) The photo and gender provided to create the AI profile image will be used only to create the AI profile image, and will be permanently deleted immediately after the creation of the AI profile image is completed.

(2) The created AI profile image is not stored on the Company’s server, but is stored in the user’s mobile phone photo library and then permanently deleted.

3. Event application: Until the end of the event or delivery of prizes

4. The Company retains personal information until the end of the period in the following cases.

(1) Records on contract or subscription withdrawal, etc. and records on payment and supply of goods, etc.

– Reason for retention: Act on Consumer Protection in the Electronic Transactions, etc.

– Retention period: 5 years

(2) Records of consumer complaints or dispute handling

– Reason for retention: Act on Consumer Protection in the Electronic Transactions, etc.

– Retention period: 3 years

(3) Records on display advertisements

– Reason for retention: Act on Consumer Protection in the Electronic Transactions, etc.

– Retention period: 6 months

(4) Books and supporting documents for all transactions prescribed by the Tax Act

– Reason for retention: Framework Act on National Taxes

– Retention period: 5 years


Article 4 Sharing and provision of personal information

1. The Company uses the user’s personal information within the purpose notified at the time of collection and, in principle, never shares and provides personal information to external and third parties without the user’s prior consent.

2. the Company will provide personal information to third parties only with the consent of the user or if there are special provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws.


Article 5 Outsourcing personal information processing

1. The Company entrusts the processing of personal information to overseas third parties as follows.

(1) Contractor: Google (Google Cloud Platform)

(2) Country of transfer: United States

(3) Entrusted tasks: Cloud server operation and management

(4) Personal information items transferred: member ID (identification information), Photos information, service usage records, access logs, in-app product purchase information, advertising identifiers

(5) Retention/use period of the transfer recipient: consistent with the retention/use period described in Article 3.

2. If the contents of the entrusted company or consignment work are changed, it will be disclosed through this privacy policy without delay.


Article 6 Rights of a user and his or her legal representative, and method of exercising the rights

1. Users may exercise their rights to view, correct, delete, or request suspension of processing of personal information at any time against the Company.

2. The exercise of rights under Paragraph 1 may be made in writing, e-mail, etc., and the Company will take action without delay. However, if the user’s personal information is linked to an external platform such as SNS or chat service, the user must view/change the personal information according to the method provided by the platform company.

3. The exercise of the rights under Paragraph 1 may be made through an agent, such as the user’s legal representative or a person who has been delegated.

4. If the Company requires the consent of a child under the age of 14 (hereinafter referred to as a child) to collect, use, or provide personal information, the Company shall obtain the consent of the legal representative separately from the child’s consent.

5. In order to obtain the consent of the legal representative, the Company may request the minimum necessary information such as the name and contact information of the legal representative, and the collected personal information of the legal representative shall not be used for any other purpose or provided to a third party except for the purpose of confirming whether the legal representative has consented.

6. The consent form of the legal representative is used for the purpose of resolving consumer complaints and disputes in the event of a contract between the child and the company, withdrawal of subscription, payment, supply of goods, etc.

7. The consent form of a legal representative who withdraws his/her consent or whose validity period has expired shall be destroyed in a way that cannot be reproduced 30 days after the expiration of the purpose of use. However, if it is necessary to preserve it under the provisions of related laws and regulations, such as the Commercial Code or the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Company shall keep the personal information of the legal representative for the period prescribed by the related laws and regulations.

8. The legal representative of a child may request to view or correct the child’s personal information or withdraw consent to the collection, use and provision of personal information, and if such a request is made, the Company shall take necessary measures without delay.

9. The exercise of the user’s right to view, correct, delete, or request suspension of processing of personal information may be restricted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act.

10. Requests for correction and deletion of personal information cannot be made if the personal information is specified as the subject of collection in other laws and regulations.

11. The Company shall verify whether the person making the request for access, correction/deletion, or suspension of processing in accordance with the user’s rights is the user or a legitimate representative.


Article 7 Procedures and method for disposal of personal information

1. The Company shall destroy the personal information without delay when the personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the personal information retention period or the achievement of the purpose of processing.

2. If the personal information retention period agreed to by the user has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, but the personal information must continue to be preserved in accordance with the laws and regulations described in Article 3, Paragraph 4, the personal information shall be transferred to a separate database (DB) or preserved in a different storage location.

3. The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.

(1) Destruction procedure: The Company selects the personal information for which the reason for destruction has occurred and destroys the personal information with the approval of the personal information protection officer of the Company.

(2) Destruction method: The Company destroys personal information recorded/stored in the form of electronic files using technical methods so that the records cannot be reproduced, and destroys personal information recorded/stored in paper documents by shredding or incinerating them.


Article 8 Measures for the protection of personal information in technical/administrative terms

1. The Company takes the following technical and administrative measures to ensure the safety of users’ personal information so that it is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered, or damaged when handling personal information.

(1) Administrative measures: Establishment and implementation of internal management plans, regular employee training, etc.

(2) Technical measures: technical measures against hacking, encryption of personal information, management of access rights to personal information processing systems, storage of access records and prevention of forgery, etc.

(3) Physical measures: Access control to data storage rooms, etc.

2. The Company shall not be liable for any personal information leakage problems caused by the user’s own carelessness.


Article 9 Issues related to the installation, operation and refusal of automatic personal information collection equipment

The Company uses “cookies” and similar technologies to store and retrieve usage information as follows to provide individualized customized services to users. Cookies are small amounts of information stored on the information subject’s terminal when the information subject uses the application service or visits the website, and are used to provide optimized information when the information subject visits the service again.

1. Purpose of using cookies: To maintain the user’s access session, analyze the user’s use of the service and the site and the form of visit, secure access and management, improve the service, develop new services, and provide customized services and advertisements.

2. Installation/operation and rejection of cookies: When using the service through the web, the service user can allow all cookies, check each time a cookie is stored, or reject the storage of all cookies by setting the browser’s options. However, in the case of applications, the cookie setting option may not be supported.

3. If you refuse to save cookies, you may experience difficulties in using some services.


Article 10 Civil complaint service about personal information

If you have any questions about the personal information of a user or the privacy policy, please contact the following person in charge of the privacy policy. We will promptly answer your questions in a sincere manner. In addition, the company has a person and organization in charge of the privacy policy, as shown below.

[ Person in charge of privacy policy ]
– Name: Heeho Yoon
– Organization: Business Department
– Position: Team Leader
– Email: cs@mustg.kr


Article 11 Changes to the privacy policy

The Company may modify the Privacy Policy, including for the purpose of reflecting changes in laws or services. If the Privacy Policy is changed, the Company will post the changes at least 7 days before the effective date, and the changed Privacy Policy will be effective on the stated effective date. However, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance of any significant changes to your rights, such as changes in the items of personal information we collect or the purpose of use.


These Terms are effective as of November 1, 2023